S T ø M h a u s Cladding Options
American Red Cedar
Over the past few decades, Western Red Cedar Cladding has become one of the most popular external/internal claddings. Cedar cladding has rich and variable colours, a high resistance to decay and high durability from natural preservatives. Left unstained or unvarnished cedar cladding will turn silvery grey. Alternatively the cedar cladding can be stained with Sikkens or other products to maintain its rich colours.
Wood Type: Softwood
Origin: Canada, North America
Sustainability: All from well
managed forests
Moisture Content: Imported
not K.D so holds a higher
Moisture than KD softwoods,
Cedar maintains moisture
content of around 20% during
life span hence its stability.
Durability: Moderate, High
resistance to decay, splitting &
Service Life: TBA
Finish: Sawn or planed cedar
takes a variety of coatings.
Easy to work due to its
straight grain & uniform
Colour: Pink through to dark
Red/Brown many varying
Applications: Internal &
External uses Ideal for
Finnish Redwood (Thermowood)
Thermowood Cladding is produced by Steam Heat Treating Scandinavian Softwood in a kiln at a very high temperature. The heat goes to the core of the wood drying out any moisture & resin. The result is reduced moisture content & enhanced physical properties, the end result is a product 50% more stable than untreated softwood.
Wood Type: Softwood (Pinus
Origin: Scandinavia
Sustainability: All PEFC
Moisture Content: Dry 7-10%
Durability: Very stable, high
resistance to decay & fungi.
Service life:
Above Ground 30 Years
Finish: Available in various
Colour: Various stains.
Applications: Ideal
applications for external
claddings and other outside
uses, with no need for
additional treatment, however
it can be stained easily just as
normal planed softwood.
Siberian Larch
Siberian Larch Cladding is a high density softwood which is extremely durable and is best used for unprotected external applications, especially claddings. Larch is relatively knot free.
Wood Type: Softwood
Origin: Siberia, Russian Union
Sustainability: Procured from
Well Managed Forest. FSC
Available on demand.
Moisture Content: Kiln Dried
approx 15-18%, small changes
in moisture can occur when
subjected to atmospheric
Durability: Class 3. 10-15
years Ground Contact, 50 ?
100 yrs unprotected outdoors,
100-150 yrs Protected
Service Life: TBA
Finish: Planed or rough
Colour: Varies from Light
Yellow to orange to golden
brown in the heartwood.
Various stains available.
Applications: Ideal
applications for external
claddings and other outside
uses, with no need for
additional treatment, however
it can be stained easily just as
normal planed softwood.